Калининского района


Welcome to school



School 88 was founded in Kalininsky district in Leningrad among the new buildings of Grazhdanka area in 1966. The first of graduation was in 1969. The school became free for all children who lived in the district. The teachers are focused in providing equal opportunities of studing for all students.

Nowdays more than 684 students study at school, there are 27 classes here.

In 1995 the first regulations were registered, in 1996 the educational licence was given out.

Since 2005 the Programme of profiled education has been realized (Social and Humanities profile and Universal profile). The pupils are also offered optional courses in different subjects.

In 2006-2007 the school №88 successfully passed the state sertification. The students of all grades showed the results which correspond the educational minimum. According to the testing all the students have rather high level of knowledge on History, Russian, Literature, that is higher the city level.

Today the various programmes are offered at school №88: “Greativity”;  “Zarnitsa”, and some others.

The School also has the Social Service, which helps students to get over their  difficulties in communication and studying.

The addition al education is offered by different sections, studios and clubs.

There are a lot of traditions in school №88:

-            The school has got its own flag, emblem and anthem;

-            The school got a lot of prizes and is the winner in sport-patriotic game “Zarnitsa”;

-            The school is the base of  “Grazhdanka” area on civil-patriotic education;

-            Since 2005 students of 6-7 grades have been taking part in the special programme “Smoking Free Classes” and are the winners;

-            The subject decades, science fairs, exhibitions of students works are held regulary in the school;

-            The students are involved in such “operations” as “Tidy School” and “The School is the Green Zone”;

-            There is a good tradition to meet the new school year with the holiday “First Grades Inition” and to finish the studying with the performance “The Last Bell”;

-            At the end of a term students have a party “Stars Parade”, where the best students, the best class, the best on duty, Sport Stars, Golden Mask, Golden Dictionary, Golden Pen, Erudite, Infosearcher are chosen and awarded;

-            Annually the Art Festival is held, where the students have a chance to express themselves through the school wallpaper “School Zone” and “The wall of Free Words” on the school website, where students are allowed to write;

-            Every year according to the “Family Day” programme students with their parents and teachers can take part in sport competitions;

-            Since 2005 girls have been participating in “School Miss” Contest;

-            The students show excellent results in volleyball  and basketball playing in the district and the city;

-            There are creative and qualified teachers in the school, espessially on humanitarian, natural science and maths subjects;

-            The students of school №88 are regular participants and winners of Russian Language Olympiad, German Language Olympiad, Social Studying Olympiad;

-            During many years the school has been the base for the District Russian Language Olympiad.


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